On Perfection

My husband is not perfect and he is perhaps the worst photographer I’ve ever met.  Our photo collection includes dozens of the ones I’ve included here. Me as a new mom, can’t you tell by the arm? Or me, posing in my new, designer outfit with the kids - apparently my face was optional, and lastly, mine and a friend’s torsos having a wonderful time in the Pacific Ocean. In the past, we’ve gone on vacations and come home without a single picture of my complete person. I don’t know why, but Freud could probably shed some light on the reason.

Matt’s not perfect … and neither am I – far from it. Marriage doesn’t require perfection. It requires two people committed to working out their differences and encouraging one another to grow or mature.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing one another in love.” (Eph: 4:2 NIV)

Not an easy task. I’m not gentle and patience eludes me most of the time. But with the Lord’s help though, our relationship, (any relationship) can improve.

 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (I Pet. 4:8)

These pictures are from two years ago when we traveled through Europe.  



I guess it's an improvement. 
